



我的交流年之美国爸妈怎么说 - My Two Sons

发布时间:2010-10-27 11:23:47


罗宇轩,2008-2009学年 美国交换生

My Two Sons
By Laura Wier
Host parent
Victoria, Texas
I am a local coordinator and host mom in Victoria, Texas. I have been a host mom to 15 students during the past 17 years as a local coordinator. My son Anthony has grown up with brothers and sisters from all over the world. This year I had the opportunity to host two amazing student, Yannick Koester from Germany and Roy (Luo Yuxuan) from China. I first picked Yannick to become my German son. Last August, I was asked to consider taking Roy into my home as a welcome family. I can remember him arriving here at the airport. He was so tired from the flight all the way from China, being on the plane and in so many airports along the way. About a week later, because of Hurricane like threatening the Texas coast, we were asked to evacuate. Here were these boys, being in a different country with a new family and having to deal with a hurricane too. It was an adventure that we all survived together. We stayed a couple of days in a beautiful state park in the middle of Texas, and had a chance to start getting to know each other.
After a couple of weeks I decided to host Roy permanently as one of my sons. I’m glad I did. Here we are, three different cultures living in one house, learning about each other’s way of life. Even though I’ve had so many foreign sons and daughters in my home, I am still learning new things about different cultures and history every day, and teaching them about ours. It’s so interesting, listening to the stories they tell. The boys are so different in their ways, they get along together most of the time, but every once in awhile they have their differences; that’s what brothers do. Yannick is tall, 6’1, with blonde hair and blue eyes who loves to sleep, and gets through his classes without having to study too much. Roy, who is short, has dark hair, gets up early and studies hard and is on the A honor roll. They are both musically talented and very special people who have become my sons during their stay here and for the rest of their lives.
They are attending a large high school here in Victoria. I am so proud of each one for their accomplishments. We enjoyed attending the high school football games and basketball games during the year together. Soon they will experience their first prom that is coming up in a couple of weeks. Oh, they’re going to look so handsome in their tuxedos.
Now this year is almost over. Time goes by so fast. I will have to say goodbye to each one. They arrived as strangers who have grown and changed and become members of my family. My life is richer for knowing them. I want them to know that I love then and thank them for their friendships, love and joy they’ve brought into my home. The most difficult time as a host mom is to let them go at the end of their stay. You remember all of the good times you have had together, treasured moments, and forever friendships. Thank you Yannick and Roy for the experience this year. I will never forget you.
我是Victoria, Texas的社区协调员和住家妈妈。我已经做了17年社区协调员,在此期间,我一共接待了15位学生。我儿子Anthony在世界各地兄弟姐妹的陪伴中成长。今年,我接待了两位了不起的学生,来自德国的Yannick Koester和来自中国的Roy - 罗宇轩。最初,我选择Yannick作为我的德国儿子。8月底,我被要求考虑作为临时家庭,暂时接待Roy。我仍然记得他初到机场的情形。他一路从中国乘飞机过来,途中停留这么多机场,抵达时异常疲劳。大约一周后,因为飓风威胁德州海岸,我们被要求撤离。正是这些男孩,在不同的国家与一个新家庭一起,不得不与飓风作斗争。这是一个冒险,而我们一起存活了下来。我们在德州中部一个美丽的公园住了几天,并有机会更好地认识彼此。

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